Computer Science Questions and Answers

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As the business grows in sizes and it also grows in great complexity, most especially when it comes to the organization and the kinds of projects that they undertakes. This increasing complexity simply makes it more difficult to convey the organizational structure of the business and also to manage the elements of the project. The three-stage project that a person could perform simply gives out an essentially different managing challenge than the five-stage project calling out for about 10 employees. The structure charts simply give out a simple and visual solution for this kind of problems.
Right at its core, the persistence of the structure chart is by giving out a basic, graphical picture of a much more complex society or process as well. For instance, in the industry of construction, the structural chart could actually outline how the general manager as well as the director have indirect or direct contact with both of the design departments and engineering, yet the two departments would actually remain to be effectively isolated from each other. This kind of graphical representations would let the viewer to just grasp the basic relationships in between the parts of the company or even with the process without being bogged down in the details.
Do you know what the generalization and the association are? Well, these terms mainly signify the relationships in between the classes. These are mainly the building blocks of the object oriented programing and a basic material. However, for some, such terms would look like the Greek and the Latin. On the other hand, for you to understand Association as well as Generalization, here are those:
The association is a kind of relationship in between two different objects. In a simple word, the association mainly defined the multiplicity in between the two objects. You could be aware about the one to one, the one to many and, the many to one and the many to many, as it helps in defining the association in between the objects. The aggregation is also a special form of association. The composition is also a special form of aggregation. Thus, they simply correlate with each other.
Generalization mainly uses the “Is-A” relationship from the specialization to the class of generalization. The common structure as well as the behavior are being used from the specialization up to the generalized class. At a wider level, you could understand this thing as an inheritance. So, why inheritance, well, this is for the reason that you could relate this term very much.
The procedure of converting the set of object instances containing the references to each to other linear stream of bytes that could be sent throughout the socket, being stored to a certain file or manipulated as the data stream is being known as the Serialization.
The serialization is actually the mechanism being used by the RMI to pass out objects in between the JVMs, either as the arguments in the invocation of the method right from the client into a certain server or as the return values from the invocation of the method. In the primary section of such book, it would be referred to such procedure several times, yet being behind a thorough discussion until today. At this moment, they would then drill down upon the mechanism serialization, by the end of it, you would exactly understand how the serialization actually works and how to efficiently use it within your applications.
On the other hand, the original design of the web, with its connections that are stateless, they mainly serve as a good type of example of the distributed application that could definitely tolerate almost any sort of transient failure of the network. The serialization is the mechanism being built upon the core of the Java libraries for writing a certain group of the objects into the data stream.